Saturday, October 17, 2015

Frazetta Catalog Covers

These are the final version front and back covers for the forthcoming PROFILES IN HISTORY catalog. I have seen the final proofs and this catalog will simply be the finest auction catalog ever seen. Many people have poured their heart and soul into this project including Joe Maddalena, the owner and the person with the vision to initiate this project, and the other catalog specialists: Joe Moe, Lou Bustamante. Julie Gauvin, Rob Pistella, Marc, Brian....what a dedicated crew. My hat is off to all of them. This was a collective labor of love.

The catalog will establish a new standard of excellence in the field. It is currently at the printer and should be available in early November. Oversize, 200 pages, archival paper, and all imagery scanned directly from the original art. A first!  No transparencies or slides needed. An amazing direct experience of art from page to brain!! This catalog WILL become a collector's item in itself.

The collection will be online next week. I will be posting quick three part video showcasing a few more highlights. After that I will post some more individual videos about other major originals, the Canaveral covers, The Black Nazgul, The Pteradactyls, and the Lion Queen.

