Sunday, December 11, 2011

Frazetta's Christmas Snowman Tale

This is my last post until the new year. I thought it would be fitting to post a few images from Frazetta's very early Snowman booklet. It has a Christmas theme where Snowman rescues a village from an evil giant and restores Christmas to the community. The pages are rather modest in size, no more than 4x6 inches or so. I would date this from 1946 or 1947. It is a very young Frazetta at his charming best. This is a 28 page story. Many other booklets like this were drawn by Frank including a very large full-color 60 page story featuring Snowman. None have been published.

Frank told me that he tried to trade this story to George Roussos in an effort to acquire one of his Foster TARZAN originals. George refused to accept it saying that Frank should keep it and give it to his mother or grandmother at Christmas time. Frank did ultimately get the TARZAN pages from George and he kept them for over 50 years.

Ultimately, Frazetta traded this booklet to Roy Krenkel many years ago. Krenkel had two of Frank's early sketch books. Roy sold this one and it has remained buried and unseen for years.

A very Merry Christmas to everyone! A safe, happy, and healthy New Year to all!
